Hiking Mount Kilimanjaro

Just like hiking, investments require endurance. Discover how hiking and investments have parallel lessons through the eyes of Investment Advisor, Fabian J. Rodriguez.

Lessons from the Tour de France

The Tour de France, the world’s most prestigious cycling race, showcases the remarkable synergy between individual effort and team strategy. Discover the similarities between investment strategies and the strategies of the teams participating in the Tour de France in this article.

Enhancing Your Family Meeting

Family meetings are valuable opportunities for your family to come together, review financial strategies, assess progress towards goals and adjust if needed, refresh and align visions for the future, and check-in on each other. Discover ways to enhance your family meeting in this article.

Understanding Diversification

When it comes to investing, one principle holds true: don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Discover the concept of diversification in this article.

Talking to Your College-Bound Kids About Money

Sending your children off to college is an exciting milestone in their lives, but it also marks a significant financial transition for you and your child. This article highlights the importance of talking to your college-bound kids about money.

Will the U.S. Dollar Lose its Global Dominance?

The U.S. dollar replaced the British pound as the world’s reserve currency and the primary medium to buy and sell goods across the globe after World War II. Will it ever lose its global dominance?

It Started With an Internship

We are proud of the culture our firm has created and love to celebrate the growth of our team members. Rodrigo Lopez started at Sendero® as an intern during college.

Memorial Day

Service is one of Sendero’s core values. On Memorial Day, we remember the service of our fallen heroes and honor the men and women who fought to preserve and protect our freedoms.