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Monthly Market Update: March 2024
Our latest video recaps what happened in the markets during the month of March.
Amaury de Barros Conti, Partner | Vice President Investments
April 11, 2024
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Let’s Talk About Taxes
This is the time of year when taxes are top of mind for many investors. At Sendero®, we think about taxes all year long. Discover…
Scott R. McMillian, CPA, CFP®, Partner | Chairman
April 5, 2024
Sendero Videos
AI and the Stock Market
What does the stock market think about Artificial Intelligence? How does it impact the industry? Discover more about how AI relates to the stock market…
Tyler Davies, Investment Advisor
March 14, 2024
Monthly Market Update: February 2024
In this video, we provide a recap of what happened in the market during the month of February.
Kayla Threet, Marketing Coordinator
March 7, 2024
Women’s History Month
At Sendero®, we firmly believe in promoting women. As a woman-run registered investment advisory firm, we have created a program for women designed to help…
Elizabeth Flavin Crawford, Partner | CEO
March 1, 2024
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Preparing Your Family to be Good Stewards
Talking to your family about stewarding your wealth can be complex. Discover more about preparing your family to be good stewards in this video.
Scott R. McMillian, CPA, CFP®, Partner | Chairman
February 14, 2024
Monthly Market Update: January 2024
In this video, we provide a recap of what happened in the market during the month of January.
Amaury de Barros Conti, Partner | Vice President Investments
February 14, 2024
Sendero Videos
The Importance of Financial Discussions
With tax season upon us, it is a great time to review last year’s finances with your spouse and look ahead at this year’s goals.…
Elizabeth Flavin Crawford, Partner | CEO
February 7, 2024
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3 Tips for Household CFOs
For many households, it’s common to have a “CFO Spouse” who loves to discuss all things financial and a “Non-CFO Spouse” who may not love…
Tyler Davies, Investment Advisor
January 31, 2024
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Investing vs. Gambling
Some people may argue that investing and gambling are one in the same. However, investing shows an expected positive return over time whereas gambling does…
Edward A. Hart, Partner | President
January 25, 2024
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2024 Bull-Bear Forecast
In this video, our Investment Team provides a 2023 year-end review and an outlook on 2024 bull, bear, and base case scenarios.
January 19, 2024
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Common Topics of Discussion
As we speak to many different people over the course of the year, there are often certain topics interest that are common in our discussions.…
Scott R. McMillian, CPA, CFP®, Partner | Chairman
January 19, 2024