Our Boy Scout crew is continuing its weekly training. Altogether, we did three hikes in February. We continue to explore the parks around San Antonio: Government Canyon, Mud Creek Park, and Eisenhower Park. We have been averaging about three miles per hike, carrying 30 pounds. The most grueling trek so far was a five-mile hike with 42 pounds through Government Canyon on the hottest day of the month. I am not going to lie; my shoulders were screaming the next day!

The crew is starting to gel, and the boys are getting along well. I was happily surprised to see how many folks are taking advantage of our city’s beautiful parks, hiking or riding bicycles with their family. We also encountered other Scout troops training for their Philmont adventure.
We have received our itinerary for our trip, which will consist of a total of 33 miles of hiking, including Hart peak and the North Ponil Canyon. Elevation will range from 7,078’ to 8,210’. The most challenging day will be on July 3rd (Day 6), with a 9.4 mile hike from one campsite to the other.
As part of the training, I have been exercising and eating better. I drink a lot more water, stay away from carbohydrates, and eat more fruit and vegetables. As a result, since the beginning of the year, I have lost almost 10 pounds. Before we go to Philmont in June, Austen and I must take a physical exam, and there is a dreaded “Form C” requirement for High Adventure participants. I am 71 inches tall, and the maximum weight allowed is 233 pounds – let’s call it the benchmark. I started the year well below that maximum, but my goal is to arrive at Philmont closer to 195 pounds, so I have a few more pounds to go.
The other big consideration for this trip is the gear we will need (and carry). While weight is the priority, I do not want to go cheap and regret it on the trail. Good, quality hiking gear is pricey, so I spent several days comparing prices between REI, Cabella’s, Academy, and Amazon. We purchased new hiking shoes at REI earlier this month so we can break them in. We also spent some time with a couple of people at the store talking about tents, cooking utensils, and other recommendations. I appreciated all their good advice!