10 Tactics to Keep Your Meeting on Track

Many meeting effectiveness tips — whether the gathering happens in a room or on a Zoom — are well understood by now, including starting and ending on time, creating efficient agendas, establishing clear roles, and remembering when you’re on mute. Even if you don’t know the basics, a quick Google search will reveal them.

Below are 10 communication tactics that can help both meeting leaders and executives attending meetings make sure those meetings accomplish their missions.

Many meeting effectiveness tips — whether the gathering happens in a room or on a Zoom — are well understood by now, including starting and ending on time, creating efficient agendas, establishing clear roles, and remembering when you’re on mute. Even if you don’t know the basics, a quick Google search will reveal them.

Below are 10 communication tactics that can help both meeting leaders and executives attending meetings make sure those meetings accomplish their missions.

Too many meeting leaders think their job ends when the meeting starts or that they merely serve as note-taker and “agenda police.” But a leader is a leader, whether you run a meeting or a team, so use all the communication tools at your disposal to make sure critical points are raised and discussed as effectively as they are efficiently.

1. Prepare Your Points — Not Just an Agenda — in Advance
2. Provide the Purpose
3. Guide Your Listeners
4. Be Ready to Listen
5. Prepare Questions
6. Keep Detours Brief 
7. Know When You’ve Finished Your Point
8. Give Concise Credit
9. Help Others Stay on Point
10. End With a Meaningful Action Step

Too many meeting leaders think their job ends when the meeting starts or that they merely serve as note-taker and “agenda police.” But a leader is a leader, whether you run a meeting or a team, so use all the communication tools at your disposal to make sure critical points are raised and discussed as effectively as they are efficiently.

Source: Harvard Business Review