I have been involved with scouting since 2012 when my oldest son, Adrien, started as a Bobcat with Pack 343. His journey advanced all the way to the rank of Eagle Scout in May 2022 with Troop 343. My youngest son, Austen, joined scouting in 2015 and is now a Star Scout.
I am very involved with scouting. I was a Den Leader with the Pack. I am the Treasurer for our Troop as well as a committee member with the Alamo Area Council. I believe in the program and how it shapes our youth into becoming better citizens.
Over the years, I have been on many, many camping trips. From earning our “Polar Bear” patch when we slept in our tents as it was snowing to surviving 110 degrees at Bear Creek in the summer of 2018. Yet, the biggest journey is ahead of us. Austen and I will be going to the Philmont Scout Ranch for a 7-day high-adventure hiking trip on June 28th.

The crew on our trek includes 5 teenage boys and 4 adults. We will cover 33 miles, carrying our sleeping gear, clothes, food, and water. Needless to say, there are substantial physical requirements, and most of the dads, including myself, have to get in shape!
Having the right gear and equipment is extremely important when hiking in the wilderness at 8,000 feet. Most importantly, physical and mental preparation for the journey is crucial. As such, we have started our training, and the crew undertook its first hike this past weekend. Two miles with 20-25 pounds of gear in the backpack. The goal is to train every other week and be ready for 6-7 miles per day with 55-65 pounds of gear on our backs by the time we show up at camp in June. The plan is to also test our cooking gear and survival training over the next few months.

I plan to share a monthly update on how our journey advances. We may have some setbacks along the way as well as moments when we surprise ourselves. I am thrilled to be able to share this journey with my son – even though my wife says we are crazy!